Support us through a sponsorship
The Haddonfield Crew Club is a nonprofit organization with a mission of developing strong, capable student-athletes. The equipment needed for our team, such as boats, oars, ergs (rowing machines), along with boathouse fees, regatta fees, and coaching salaries, makes crew a resource-intensive and expensive youth sport. Haddonfield Crew is a co-ed varsity sport at Haddonfield Memorial High School and is governed by the district’s Athletic Department’s rules, regulations, coaching and supervision policies; however, the team receives no financial support from the school district beyond the club's insurance policy and use of the school bus for transportation to regattas. Your support will enable the Haddonfield Crew team to thrive by building our student rowers’ confidence, leadership skills, work ethic, and their ability to see themselves succeed. We are incredibly grateful to you for your consideration of support for this important program.
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